CPD frameworks
These frameworks, associated with all articles, prompt drafting of personal learning, reflection and planning.
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Reflection on a journal article
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Reflective practice in health care and how to reflect effectively
Koshy K, Limb C et al. International Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 2:e20
Unsworth D J. Following up patients after treatment for anaphylaxis. Practitioner 2012;256 (1749):21-24
Following up patients after treatment for anaphylaxis
21 Mar 2012
NICE has recently published guidelines on the care and follow-up of patients who have received emergency treatment for anaphylaxis. Once patients have been assessed in a specialist clinic, and provided with a tailored management plan, regular review will be necessary in primary care. Important aspects include ensuring that: adrenaline devices are in date; injection technique refresher sessions are available; background asthma is well controlled; any dietary restrictions have not led to an unhealthy diet (e.g. lack of adequate calcium source in patients avoiding dairy products).
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