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Reflective practice in health care and how to reflect effectively
Koshy K, Limb C et al. International Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 2:e20
E-cigarettes fail to help smokers quit
24 Feb 2022
Using e-cigarettes for smoking cessation neither improved the chance of quitting successfully nor helped to improve relapse rates, in a large nationally representative cohort study from the USA.

Evaluating interventions to help smokers quit
09 Aug 2021
Varenicline and a combination of pharmacological and behavioural interventions were the two most effective methods for smoking cessation, a systematic review by the US Preventive Services Task Force has found. Data on the effectiveness and safety of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation in adults were limited and study results inconsistent.
Even smoking some days increases risk of premature death
25 Jun 2021
Individuals who do not smoke every day have a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality compared with those who have never smoked. For those who smoke daily, the mortality risk increases as the number of cigarettes smoked increases, a large study from the USA has found.
Smokers’ dependence on cigarettes has decreased over the past decade
24 Nov 2020
Between 2008 and 2017 smokers appear to have become less dependent on cigarettes but also less likely to try to quit or cut down. For those who tried to quit, fewer used behavioural support and more used pharmacological support, a study has found.
Nausea may affect adherence to varenicline
24 Sep 2020
Nausea during the first few weeks of varenicline therapy may reduce adherence, a study from North America has found. The authors analysed data on 870 adults receiving varenicline in two smoking cessation trials conducted at multiple sites in Canada and the USA.
E-cigarette pilot study helps smokers quit
22 Jun 2020
More than a third of smokers who completed a pilot study of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid quit smoking.
Tailor smoking cessation advice to the patient
20 Dec 2019
Effectiveness of smoking cessation aids varies between different types of smokers, a survey-based UK study has found. The data presented in this large, representative sample may provide useful information for GPs and other treatment providers in tailoring quit smoking advice to individual patients.
Quitting smoking in pregnancy lowers risk of preterm birth
25 Nov 2019
Smoking cessation in pregnant women is associated with a reduced risk of preterm birth, a large study from the United States has shown. Information was obtained from live birth certificates issued between 2011 and 2017 as part of the US National Vital Statistics System. Overall, 25,233,503 pregnant women who delivered live neonates and had data recorded on pre-pregnancy and trimester-specific cigarette smoking frequency were included in the analysis.
Many smokers and former smokers have misconceptions about nicotine
25 Sep 2019
Nearly 40% of smokers and former smokers believe it is the nicotine in cigarettes that causes cancer, a UK study has found.
Benefits of quitting smoking outweigh the risks of weight gain
24 Jun 2019
The cardiovascular and overall mortality benefits of stopping smoking far outweigh the risks of weight gain and acquiring type 2 diabetes, a study from the United States has shown.
Are e-cigarettes more effective than nicotine replacement therapy to help smokers quit?
25 Mar 2019
One year smoking cessation rates were significantly higher in those who used e-cigarettes compared with those using traditional nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products, in a UK prospective study. However, many more of those on e-cigarettes who had quit ordinary cigarettes still used the substitute while most of those who quit using NRT were free from treatment.
Rise in vaping accompanied by fall in youth smoking
22 Feb 2019
An increase in the use of e-cigarettes (vaping) has been associated with a drop in smoking by teenagers and young adults, a time trend analysis from the United States has found.
What factors influence uptake of smoking in children?
23 Jan 2019
Living in a smoking household and having peers who smoke are key factors associated with children smoking, a cohort study has found. The investigators analysed data on 11,577 teenagers in the Millenium Cohort Study, a birth cohort of children born between September 2000 and January 2002 in the UK.
Can nicotine preloading help smokers quit?
25 Jul 2018
The use of a nicotine patch before quitting may have a modest effect on abstinence, a large pragmatic randomised trial has found. A total of 1,792 adults were enrolled from Nottingham, Birmingham, Bristol, and London.

Quitting smoking improves survival in patients with lung cancer
22 Mar 2018
Patients with lung cancer who stop smoking have lower all cause mortality rates compared with those who continue to smoke, a UK retrospective cohort study has found.
Smoking cessation services for inpatients could help more than a million smokers
15 Dec 2014
Offering smokers admitted to hospital behavioural support and pharmacotherapy could help reduce smoking rates significantly, a national audit in England has shown.
E-cigarettes help smokers to quit
23 Oct 2014
Early evidence suggests that e-cigarettes help smokers interested in quitting to stop or cut down, a systematic review has found.
Stop smoking services helping significantly more smokers to quit
23 Sep 2013
Smoking cessation services in England have trebled their impact in helping smokers to give up over the past decade, a study has found. However, a wide variation across local services was noted. The researchers analysed the performance of stop smoking services across England from 2001/02 to 2010/11, asking the questions: How has the performance of the services changed? How well have the services met the needs of different groups including economically disadvantaged smokers? How much local variation has there been in success rates?
Plain cigarette packs can alter smokers’ behaviour
25 Jul 2013
Two recent studies have added to the growing body of evidence that suggests that plain packaging can make smoking less appealing, reduce cigarette consumption and encourage plans to quit.
Women who quit before 40 significantly improve mortality risk
23 May 2013
Women who give up smoking before the age of 40 reduce their excess mortality risk by 90% and those who stop before 30 by > 97%, results from the Million Women Study have shown.
Varenicline not associated with increased cardiovascular risk
21 Mar 2013
A large nationwide study in Denmark has found no increase in the risk of cardiovascular events with the use of varenicline compared with bupropion.

Smoking doubles risk of depression
19 Nov 2008
This study suggests that we should encourage our depressed patients to stop smoking once they have achieved remission. However, we need to be aware that, by emphasising the role of lifestyle factors in depression, we may unwittingly make patients feel responsible for their illness, adding to their sense of guilt.
Telling smokers their 'lung age' doubles quit rates
23 Apr 2008
Using spirometry to calculate patients’ ‘lung age’ is a powerful motivator to stop smoking.