Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Voulgaris AM, Lee T, Habib A, Kavia R. The case of the migrating IUD. Practitioner 2015;259 (1788):25-27

The case of the migrating IUD

22 Dec 2015Registered users

A 30-year-old lady presented to the gynaecologist with persistent vaginal bleeding following insertion of an IUD. A transvaginal ultrasound showed a normal uterus, normal ovaries and no adnexal masses or free fluid. It was assumed that the IUD had fallen out. Around the same time she presented to her GP with a short history of dysuria, intermittent visible haematuria and recurrent UTI. Eventually, she was referred to the urology department for further investigation and underwent flexible cystoscopy, which showed the presence of an IUD within the bladder.

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