CPD frameworks
These frameworks, associated with all articles, prompt drafting of personal learning, reflection and planning.
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Reflection on a journal article
Stages of reflection on a situation
Reflection of a team, practice or group
External reference on reflection
Reflective practice in health care and how to reflect effectively
Koshy K, Limb C et al. International Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 2:e20
Steele S, Girling J. Improving outcomes in preterm labour and birth. Practitioner September 2022;266(1861):17-21
Improving outcomes in preterm labour and birth
26 Sep 2022
Preterm birth is a key determinant of adverse infant outcomes. A previous preterm birth is the single most important risk factor; however, the majority of preterm births occur in first time mothers. Modifiable risk factors should be identified and addressed, both opportunistically during prepregnancy consultations and at the booking visit. Women at high and moderate risk of preterm birth should be identified at the booking visit and referred to the local or tertiary preterm birth prevention clinic by 12 weeks.
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