Practitioner 2010 – 254 (1735): 8-10

Tai chi of benefit in fibromyalgia

20 Dec 2010Pais-up subscribers

A single-blind, randomised trial from the USA has found that tai chi significantly improves the health-related quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia. A total of 66 tertiary care patients were randomised to tai chi or a control intervention. Both groups attended two one-hour sessions a week over a period of 12 weeks. The control intervention consisted of 40-minute lectures on various aspects of fibromyalgia followed by 20 minutes of stretching exercises. 'Should we advocate tai chi for our patients with fibromyalgia and/or depression? I am even tempted to suggest that GPs might benefit from tai chi between consultations, although this may disconcert our receptionists! I think the answer is that any form of group exercise is likely to be beneficial, and the choice will probably be determined by what is available locally.'

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