The Practitioner 2009;253 (1724):27-29

2009:End of year photo quiz

15 Dec 2009


Dr Nigel Stollery
GP, Kibworth, Leicestershire and clinical assistant in dermatology, Leicester Royal Infirmary


case 1

Case 1 Neck swelling

This man presented regarding a swelling affecting the left side of his neck. He was otherwise well but had attended the local hospital 18 months before for a surgical procedure.

A What is the diagnosis?

B What should you do next?

 case 2

Case 2 An embarrassing nasal problem

This lady was rather upset that people repeatedly advised her that she needed to blow her nose.

A What is the diagnosis?

B What are the treatment options?

case 3

Case 3 A cancer scare

After a lot of pressure from his family this man finally attended the surgery for advice about the large pigmented lesion on the left side of his head. Expecting a diagnosis of inoperable cancer he had prepared himself for the worst.

A What is the diagnosis?

B How is this condition best managed?

C What is the prognosis with such extensive disease?


case 4


Case 4 A rash on both feet

This man presented with a short history of a very florid rash affecting his buttocks and both lower legs. It wasn't itchy or painful and didn't blanch when pressure was applied. He was otherwise well and hadn't taken any medication over the preceding few days. He worked as a builder and thought it had been caused by contact with cement.

A What is the diagnosis?

B What test needs to be performed?



Case 5 A case of violaceous papules

This lady presented with a rash over both her wrists and hands which had been getting progressively worse over the past few weeks. Closer inspection revealed violaceous papules with a cobweb-type pattern over the surface.

A What is the diagnosis?

B What is the name given to the cobweb appearance?

C Which other area of the body should be examined?


Case 6

Case 6 Not just any viral illness

This child was brought to the surgery generally unwell with a cold and temperature.The mother had been giving regular paracetamol and trying to keep the child cool but was worried by the change in his appearance. The change was visible without removing the child's clothes.

A This condition has two names, what are they?

B How should it be managed?