Friday, 28 March 2025
150 years ago: The propagation of enteric fever by a milkman. Practitioner March 2022;266(1856):29

150 years ago: The propagation of enteric fever by a milkman

25 Mar 2022Registered users

Dr Ballard’s inquiry showed that of the 68 houses attacked 51, including that of the milk-seller, were supplied with milk by the dairyman in question; 13 were supplied by various other milk-sellers; one had no milk from anybody, and the source of milk supply to three was doubted or unknown. Of the 449 houses in the defined district, 132 were supplied by the dairyman who had been ill, and 317 obtained their supply from 18 other milk-sellers. Altogether, 37.8 per cent of the families the dairyman supplied with milk, after he himself had been attacked with enteric fever, were invaded by the same disease, while only 5.3 per cent of the families supplied by other milk-sellers, or not taking milk at all, suffered from the fever.

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