150 years ago: A case of enteric fever with convulsions. Practitioner April 2020;264(1836):30

150 years ago: A case of enteric fever with convulsions

23 Apr 2020Registered users

PETER O'C AGED 18, a compositor in the office of the Evening Post, was admitted into Sir P. Dun’s Hospital on the morning of the 14th December in 1870 with all the symptoms of well-marked enteric fever. He had the rose-coloured spots, caecal gurgling, with tympany and diarrhoea; when comparatively late in the fever, convulsions and other cerebrospinal symptoms manifested themselves. As far as we could learn he was about eleven days in fever.  He was rather inclined to sleep, and for several days seemed to be getting on favourably, and the diarrhoea ceased, receiving eight ounces of wine.  On Saturday night, about half-past ten o’clock, the patient was noticed to be lying on his back, low down in the bed, with his arms folded over his chest; his breathing was rapid and irregular, a circumstance noted during the afternoon, without any chest complication to account for it. When spoken to he made no reply, nor did he stir, but when turned on his side he spoke a few words and swallowed some whiskey in milk. A blister was applied to the nape of the neck.

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