A hundred years ago: Blood-letting in 1916. Practitioner 2016;260 (1794):26

Blood-letting in 1916

23 Jun 2016Pais-up subscribers

WITH SIR CLIFFORD ALLBUTT as its high priest, bleeding, with restraint, is in the process of coming by its own again. I first heard Sir Clifford Allbutt speak in praise of blood-letting in 1907, and I find this view confirmed in his recently published book. Blood letting has been advocated during the last fifteen years by those best qualified to speak of it from experience, namely, the general practitioners. However, they speak furtively, shamefacedly, and in the fear of the pseudo-scientific superman. These gentle counsellors have been assailed with such vociferous energy by the pseudo-scientist, that their timid voices have scarcely been heard.

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