CPD frameworks
These frameworks, associated with all articles, prompt drafting of personal learning, reflection and planning.
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Reflection on a journal article
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Reflective practice in health care and how to reflect effectively
Koshy K, Limb C et al. International Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 2:e20
100 years ago: The foot-in-the-axilla method for shoulder dislocation. Practitioner September 2022;266(1861):29
100 years ago: The foot-in-the-axilla method for shoulder dislocation
26 Sep 2022
Complete and incomplete fractures of the upper end of the humerus are more frequently associated with the dislocation than was ever realised before X-rays threw light on a problem which had caused much argument, doubt, and disbelief in the mind of surgeons who were authorities in the old school. In these very serious cases I wish to repeat again that the foot-in-the-axilla method gives a better chance to reduce dislocation than any other method.
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