CPD frameworks
These frameworks, associated with all articles, prompt drafting of personal learning, reflection and planning.
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Word frameworks - for reflective practice
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Reflection on a journal article
Stages of reflection on a situation
Reflection of a team, practice or group
External reference on reflection
Reflective practice in health care and how to reflect effectively
Koshy K, Limb C et al. International Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2017 2:e20
Haslam D. Nursing home patients are falling through the net . Practitioner 2012;256 (1751):31
Nursing home patients are falling through the net
23 May 2012
'I recently visited a friend's father in a nursing home. He is very aged and very frail but still has all his marbles. When we remarked that he was looking rather miserable, he replied: ‘The night-time staff are really mean to me.’ Every evening he got more and more agitated about the staff who were coming on duty. I offered to have a word with the manager. ‘Oh no,’ he exclaimed. ‘You mustn't say anything. That will only make it worse.’ How many old people suffer in silence because they fear the repercussions?...'
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